Atomistic Simulation Center

Are you looking for computing resources, how to get access, scientific support and consulting, or workshops and events?
What is the NHR Atomistic Simulation Center?
The NHR Alliance (Nationales Hochleistungsrechnen) bundles the resources and competencies of university high-performance computing and makes them available to scientists at German universities free of charge. The NHR Atomistic Simulation Center (NHR ASC) is an association of three NHR centers that are especially dedicated to atomistic simluation and condensed-matter physics in general:
- the NHR center PC2 in Paderborn,
- the NHR center NHR@FAU in Erlangen, and
- the NHR center NHR@ZIB in Berlin.
The mission of the NHR Atomistic Simulation Center is to offer compute resources and services to the researchers at German universities free of charge:

Massive Compute Resources
Available Hardware
Here we list a some interesting key hardware of the three centers. Additional information of the other NHR centers can be found at Information for Center Selection. If you are interested, please have a look at How to get access.
NHR Center |
| Next HPC System (in operation from Mai 2025 in addition to Noctua 2)
NHR Center |
NHR Center |
Availability of Software
All systems of the NHR Atomistic Simulation Center have a wide array of software available for use, including examples such as
- Quantum Chemistry: GAUSSIAN, ORCA, GAMESS, TURBOMOLE, NWChem, and others
- Solid-State Physics: VASP, Quantum ESPRESSO, CP2K, SIESTA, GPAW, and others
- Molecular Dynamics: GROMACS, LAMMPS, Amber, NAMD, and others
More details can be found at the pages of the centers:
- Chemistry and Physics Software at PC2
- Software at NHR@FAU
- Software at NHR@ZIB
The scientific support is always happy to install additional programs or new versions for you.