
NHR Workshop | Quantum Computing and Quantum Machine Learning

February 17-18, 2025 in Göttingen and virtual

Are you interested in quantum computing but never had the time or opportunity to get started? Are you looking for an understandable introduction that doesn't assume any quantum physics knowledge? Would like to learn how quantum computing can be used to tackle interesting problems like machine learning?
Then this workshop is for you! You will learn how to program quantum computers and to apply quantum computing to interesting problems.

-> More Info -> Register now !!! !!! Due to high demand, registration for this workshop has already closed. But we will let you know as soon as we run another workshop!!!


Save the date: NHR Conference '25 | Göttingen | 22.09.25 - 25.09.25

The aim of the NHR conferences is to bring together HPC users working on selected topics, varying each year. Users of the NHR Centers will have the opportunity to present their projects in a poster session or contributed talk, and to exchange ideas with the consulting and operational teams of the NHR-Centers. 

For next year's conference at Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, the topics are: 

• AI in Social Sciences 
• Life Sciences
• Data Management & Storage

More information will be provided soon.



NHR Workshop | Scaling Complexity

High-Performance Computing at the Intersection of Agent-Based Modeling and Complex Networks

December 2-3, 2024 at Zuse Institute Berlin
The workshop aims to bring together researchers, practitioners, and computational experts to explore decentralized dynamics and emergent phenomena, looking into their computational challenges and solutions.
-> Register now !!!




📣 Final Call NHR Graduate School Fellowship 📣

Apply by September 15, 2024 for a fellowship at one of the nine NHR centers. e.g. in Paderborn Center for Parallel Computing (PC2). 

Exciting topics await you! At the interface of computational science, physics, and chemistry, you will have the opportunity to conduct groundbreaking research on numerical methods and libraries for heterogeneous computing systems, energy-efficient computer architectures such as FPGAs and GPUs, among others.

Get an overview of the NHR Graduate School research fields here.

Check-out our imagefilm for further information.

Your NHR Graduate School Team



NHR-Conference '24 | 09.09.24 - 12.09.24 | Darmstadt

>>> Please submit your abstract until June 16, 2024 >>>
>>> More information about the conference >>>






NHR Summer School | 10.06.24 - 14.06.24

We look forward to welcoming the Fellows of the NHR Graduate School to the Center for Information Services and High-Performance Computing (ZIH) in Dresden from June 10-14, 2024.
The NHR Summer School 2024 is packed with an exciting program! Our fellows will learn how to bring HashtagMachine Learning workflows to HashtagHPC, be trained on IO and Parallelism, and explore the fascinating world of quatern computing. In addition, there will be enriching soft-skills seminars about career planning, networking, presentation skills. as well as intercultural communication and anti-bias training.



Celebration Event | Three Years NHR Alliance

On the occasion of our three-year anniversary, a festive event took place on March 19, 2024 from 6:00 p.m. at the Representation of the State of Lower Saxony. --> more information (German text)


1st NHR-Conference | 18.09.23 - 20.09.23 | Berlin

The annual NHR-Conference is aiming at promoting scientific exchange among the HPC-user community. Each year the focus will be on different scientific topics.

Topics this year: Life Sciences, Atomistic Simulation and Agent Based Simulation.
18.-19.09.23 Scientific part: Invited lectures, panel discussions, workshops
20.09.23 NHR internal workshops

In addition to invited lectures, users of the NHR Centers will have the opportunity to present their projects in a poster session, and to exchange ideas with the consulting and operational teams of the NHR-Centers.

>>> Register now! <<<
         >>> Register now! <<<
              More Information



Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften

This year, the NHR Alliance was represented at the LNDW at the Zuse Institute Berlin. The event was very well attended and the interest in projects in the field of high performance computing was overwhelming. Until late at night, visitors could take part in guided tours to the supercomputer and experience the diverse projects at interactive stations.

Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften


Summer School 2023

An interesting and intensive program week has come to an end. Our fellows traveled nationwide from all NHR centers and were welcomed in Paderborn by Christian Plessl, the director of the Paderborn Center for Parallel Computing. The program week focused on different HPC workshops. In addition, all participants had the opportunity to present their projects to each other and to get to know each other and connect during various additional activities.

Summer School 2023
The fellows of our first and second year during the Summer School 2023



ISC High Performance 2023 | 21.05.2023 - 25.05.2023

The ISC High Performance was a complete success! Our booth was always well visited and many inspiring discussions took place.
Over 60 ISC participants from NHR have contributed to the great success of our NHR booth.
Many thanks to all and we look forward to next year!


The call for applications is now open!

Every year, our NHR Graduate School offers nine Master's graduates with an above-average degree the opportunity to be supported with the NHR scholarship. More information on the application process can be found here.


Joint Call of NHR-Alliance for Large-Scale Proposals 

>> Next Deadline: 1st April 2023 <<

The NHR-centers jointly call for large-project proposals and encourage scientists affiliated to a German university to submit their project ideas for access to HPC resources operated by one of our NHR centers.  

>> Apply at one of our NHR-centers: Computing Time  <<


NHR@FAU student team wins SC22 student cluster competition in Dallas, TX

We are pleased that the team of six undergraduate students from Computer Science and Computational Engineering took first place in the HPCG category with a performance of 1.97 Tflop/s. The students were asked to assemble, install and administer an HPC system and run a selection of high-performance applications as fast as possible under a strict performance constraint. They chose a single node from our "Alex" cluster (an AMD-based host with eight NVIDIA A100 GPUs). The competition simulates common operations and challenges in an HPC data center, with students taking on the role of both data center operator and user.

NHR bei der ISC High Performance 2022

Nach zweijähriger pandemiebedingter Zwangspause fand die ISC dieses Jahr endlich wieder in Präsenz in Hamburg statt – und wir waren mittendrin! Nach drei Tagen mit spannenden Gesprächen, dem Wiedersehen mit bekannten Gesichtern und dem Kennenlernen neuer ging die ISC22 für den NHR erfolgreich zu Ende. 
Ein großes Dankeschön an alle für eine tolle Zeit, viele interessante Gespräche und eure tatkräftige Unterstützung!

Anja Gerbes und Hans-Christian Jankowiak
Vortrag Dr. Christgau
Vortrag Yvonne Miketta
Teilnehmer der ISC
Teilnehmende ISC
Geschäftsführung und Vorsitzende NHR-Verein
Teilnehmende ISC
Vortrag Prof. Schütte
Teilnehmende der ISC